Norman A.
Gillies, Clinical
Professor of C-CTherapy® Founder of Center for Counter-Conditioning Therapy® and C-CTherapy®. Professor Gillies has been active in the human behaviour and aberrant human behaviour treatment field originating in 1958. Since 1958, he has held positions with the provincial governments of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario; in the United States, with Family Service agencies. From 1975, he has concentrated upon his NON-COGNITIVE, CROSS-CULTURAL psychotherapy practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Additionally, the author is the founder of a unique clinical discipline, that of Clinical Ethnology. This discipline is paramount in the practice approach of the Center's non-medical, mental health practitioners. Currently — 2013 — the Center for Counter-Conditioning Therapy® has relocated to He is a graduate of the University
of British Columbia and the University of Toronto.
Ilana Singer,
Clinical Ethnologist,
Professor Singer is a licensed psychotherapist in the human behavior field, since1972. Co-owner of the Center for Counter-Conditioning Therapy®, she established the Women's Division in 1985. As a Clinical Ethnologist, she teaches patients how to work with and conquer their mental turmoil. Professor Singer helped Oakland firestorm victims cope with their mental shock while they rebuilt their lives. For three years she wrote "The Therapist Column," published in the East Bay Journal for the firestorm community. Her published book, "Emotional Recovery After Natural Disasters: How to Get Back to Normal Life" tells how other victims of natural disasters can help themselves emotionally. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and California State University, Hayward. Currently, she is writing a book for and about women. In Memory:
Prof Ilana Singer's clinical material interview with Dr. Peter Breggin author of the book "Toxic Psychiatry" which took place on Jan. 20th 1995. |